
The Department of Communications is the point of contact for all press and media requests, and an important point of contact for members of the community seeking information from the Town. This department is responsible for producing media releases and increasing the public’s awareness of Town programs, services, and other important information. Additionally, the department oversees content production for various print publications and social media channels, and serves as the public outreach arm of Town operations.

For Media Professionals

The Director of Communications serves as the Public Information Officer and the principal liaison between the Town and the media. The director is happy to assist journalists covering the Town of Medway. Please get in touch with us for background information on particular stories, to arrange interviews with Town staff, or for information on services and programs provided by the Town.

Our Town employees and volunteers are experts in a wide range of topics. We are eager to assist media professionals in finding the appropriate experts to meet their needs and arrange interviews by the deadline. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the Communications Department at

For Town of Medway Residents

The Department of Communications promotes the communication of essential information to town residents and serves as a point of contact for any questions or concerns.

Contact us for assistance with:

Social Media

Town of Medway

Facebook: @TownofMedway 

("X"): @TownofMedway 

YouTube: townofmedway 

Instagram: @TownofMedway 


Facebook: @medwaydpw

("X"): @medwaydpw

Instagram: @medwaydpw

Council on Aging

Facebook: @medwaycouncilonaging

Fire Department

Facebook: @medwayfiredepartment

(X): @MedwayFire 

Instagram: @medway_fire_department 

Medway Police Department

Facebook: @medwaypolicedepartment

("X"): @medwaypolice

Instagram: @medwaypolicedepartment

Medway Free Public Library

Facebook: MedwayPublicLibrary 

Parks & Recreation

Facebook: @medwayparksandrecreation

Instagram: @medwayparksandrec